David Hanlon – Why is Research and Development Important?

22 Oct

David Hanlon is a hard working Senior Vice President, who places a lot of emphasis and importance on research and development. Research and development drive scientific innovation. It is a body of work that is directed towards the introduction, innovation, and improvement of products and processes. A research and development team is especially important in the pharmaceutical world because they are the ones who create new products and medicines.

However, research and development is costly to companies due to regulators increasing the number of required clinical trials. Despite the cost, it is still vital to fund a healthy research and development team. The pharmaceutical field is competitive, and without a strong research and development team, a pharmaceutical company will quickly fail and a new company will take its place.

Pharmaceutical research is responsible for creating treatments, vaccines, and cures. These products help millions of people who are afflicted with illnesses. They treat diseases that were once untreatable, and keep large populations of people from contracting various viruses. Pharmaceutical research is essential to public health and scientific advancement. When new drugs and treatments are released to the public, the health of the public as well as the economy is boosted. This is because the workforce is healthier, and access to new medications causes the cost of other medications to decrease.

All of these factors are evidence of the fact that pharmaceutical research and development is worth the investment. Cutting edge research will help a company stay secure long term, and will offer the public fantastic new treatments. David Hanlon works with the research and development team in his company often, and understands the importance of a strong research team.

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Posted by on October 22, 2015 in Society



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