Monthly Archives: November 2015

David Hanlon – Social Skills in Business

David Hanlon is a businessman and a leader in the pharmaceutical field. He understands that one of the keys to success in this field is the ability to build relationships with those around him. He is the Senior Vice President of Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs. His job is to oversee multiple manufacturing sites, work with the pharmaceutical scientists, and deal with customer concerns. Therefore, he needs to be able to interact and build rapport with a variety of personalities. This is a skill that every successful businessman has.

It is important for a businessman or woman to have a good education in their field. They should know the ins and outs of the business world, and have a specialized knowledge of the industry their company is in. Most importantly though, they should have excellent people and social skills. Working in business requires you to be able to manage others, and to work well on a team. It is essential that you are able to build trusting relationships with your colleagues in each department. If you are not able to communicate with the people in other departments, your business could crumble quickly.

It is absolutely vital that any business person be able to quickly build rapport and trust with potential clients. If a potential client does not see that you, and your business, are trustworthy and have their best interest in mind, then they will go to a competitor. Once you have gained clients, you should be able to maintain good relationships with them. If you do this, they will remain long standing, loyal clients.

David Hanlon has excellent social skills and works hard to keep his customers and is employees happy.

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Posted by on November 7, 2015 in Society



David Hanlon – What is Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs in Pharmaceuticals?

David Hanlon has built a career in Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs in pharmaceutical manufacturing. He specifically works in medical devices and diagnostics. This is one of the most important jobs for a pharmaceutical manufacturing company because it ensures that each manufactured product is pure and safe. There are a myriad of control measures and health regulations, which each product needs to meet. The Senior Vice President of Quality and Regulatory Affairs makes sure that each manufacturing site complies with all safety measures and that each product is properly identified and safe.

Maintaining the quality and the regulatory affairs of a product is an endeavor with many facets. It is essential for the person in charge to create a well-planned strategic roadmap for quality and regulatory organization structure. Pharmaceutical companies often have multiple manufacturing sites and multiple projects. Therefore the man or woman in charge of overseeing quality assurance and regulatory affairs must be organized, and able to keep track of each individual site. The best way to do this, is to create an overall strategic road map and apply the same strategies to each site.

Each site must also be compliant with the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The person in charge needs to be well versed in all of the health and safety regulations, so that they can ensure that each site is following the proper procedures and regulations. This department of the pharmaceutical company ensures that their manufacturing sites are following national and international regulations, and are producing high quality products. David Hanlon is highly skilled at maintaining his manufacturing sites and always makes sure they are following all of the necessary regulations.

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Posted by on November 2, 2015 in Society

